At International Church of Bangkok we believe God has created everyone to contribute to the life of the community (Ephesians 2:10). There are opportunities for Worship, Learning and Service. All three go together and a balanced life involves all three.
At the International Church of Bangkok (ICB), we believe that children are a unique gift from God and a trust. Children’s Sunday School classes are on Sunday mornings during our 10:00 a.m. worship service.
Classes for ages 4-10 use songs, Bible stories, and activities to help children make wise choices, build strong relationships, and deepen their faith.
Faith Formation and Youth classes for tweens/teens aged 11-18 are held on a monthly basis and co-built by students and the teacher.
Should you wish to serve in ICB’s Children’s Sunday School, click the button on the right-hand side panel.
The International Church of Bangkok encourages adults to study the faith on their own and in groups. We can recommend appropriate Christian literature and Bible studies for individual or group study. We have a variety of small groups, outreach events, and other learning opportunities.
If you want to get involved—and we encourage it— please talk with the pastor. We encourage people to attend one of the worship services before jumping into a small group. Click on the button at the upper right-hand side panel to get in touch with us.
The purpose of the Worship Team is to provide creative guidance and implementation for the creation of inspiring and challenging worship services. Opportunities for involvement include the following: artists, musicians (piano, guitar, drums, bass, brass, wind, etc), singers, liturgists, children’s sermon givers, occasional preachers, technology staff for set-up and take-down.
The purpose of the Christian Education Team is to provide quality educational opportunities for both children and adults. It accomplishes this primarily through Children’s Sunday School on Sunday mornings and Adult Groups throughout the week. Opportunities for involvement include the following: children’s teachers, children’s teacher assistants, adult leaders, home group hosts, and participation in home groups.
The purpose of the Outreach Team is to encourage and provide opportunities for International Church of Bangkok members and friends to incarnate the love of Christ in our communities. The team does this primarily by partnering with different ministries throughout Thailand to serve the poor through social outreach, compassion projects and evangelism. Opportunities for involvement are endless: outreach partner coordinators, prison visitors, English tutors, refugee center volunteers. Or simply join a trip to visit one of our out-of-town partners!
The purpose of the Fellowship Team is to help create community among the members. The primary strategy is the Loaves and Fishes Cafe which takes place immediately after both worship services. Opportunities for involvement include serving as Fellowship hour host and/ or coordinator.
The purpose of the Membership Team is to encourage, enable and empower the congregation to spread the word about International Church of Bangkok, to befriend newcomers, to encourage them toward faith if they are not yet Christians and encourage all toward full inclusion in the local expression of the body of Christ (church) that is International Church of Bangkok. Opportunities for involvement include the following: Evangelism, public relations, newcomer welcome and follow-up, website maintenance and development, photography and videography during ICB events.
The purpose of the Administrative Teams is to provide the backbone operations that make the more visible ministries flow smoothly. Opportunities include the following: Offering counter, stewardship plan developer and implementer and office technical support.
International Church of Bangkok
Sunday Worship Address: โรงเรียนกรุงเทพคริสเตียนวิทยาลัย (Bangkok Christian College), 35 Pramuan Rd., Bangkok, 10500, Thailand
Contact Us: +662-258-5821