International Church of Bangkok is a church of many nations, many cultures, many ways of thinking, doing and being Christian. We have one thing in common: a desire to follow Jesus. As a result we choose to worship together, learn together, and serve together.
ICB does not subscribe to any particular creed. We do not make you sign a statement of faith to join our community. Official Members affirm that in Jesus they have a Lord (guide for life) and a Savior (saves us from sin and death). We find a lot of joy in diversity. The vast majority of our membership would affirm the ancient Christian creeds — the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed being the two most important examples.
We are a church where…
We are very proud of this atmosphere and we hope you will join us as we continue to grow, learn, serve and worship God.
International Church of Bangkok
Sunday Worship Address: Morning Service: Located inside Lancaster Hotel, 1777 ถ. เพชรบุรี แขวงบางกะปิ เขตห้วยขวาง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10310/ Evening Service: Bangkok Christian GuestHouse ตำบล สีลม, อำเภอ 123 Soi Sathon 2, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500
Contact Us: +662-258-5821